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inside innovation

see below for english translation

Shadowcast Organization monte des soirées underground depuis plus de 15 ans (New York, Berlin, Paris).

Nous avons rencontré son fondateur, Ranjii Maigur, afin qu’il nous décrive le concept de ses évènements, l’état d’esprit qui l’anime quand il les organise et comment il le met en forme, notamment à Paris où il est désormais basé.

Production Unit: Lanto Ratsimbazafy (interviewer/producer)
+ Tina Tango (interviewer)
Special Thanks to Nina Garcia

Shadowcast Organization set up underground parties from more than 15 years (New, York, Berlin, Paris).

We’ve met his founder, Ranjii Maigur, to describe us the concept of his events, the state of mind he got when he organize them and how they look like, especially in Paris where he is based nowadays.

… stay tuned…

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