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inside innovation

Wet with Colin Calder, founder and CEO of PassivSystems, a new company which develops leading-edge smart-home systems for the mass market. The company reunites the highly successful leadership team behind Paragon Software, which sold to (now Openwave) in 2000 for a landmark price.

Together with a strong team from the telecom, internet, and energy industries, we’re developing an open and extensible platform that delivers energy management and monitoring services to homes. This platform will rapidly grow to include assisted living, home security and more. Backed by significant venture capital, we’ve grown fast to over 35 people in our first year.

PassivEnergy™ will revolutionise how energy is used in the home. Across the globe worldwide energy consumption is projected to increase by 44% from 2006 to 2030. And energy prices will rise by up to 25%. Our system helps people save money and reduce their carbon footprint by cutting out wasted energy in their homes. Consisting of a web interface, a hub that connects to an existing broadband connection and sensors and controls around their house, PassivEnergy helps people manage their heating, cooling, hot water and electrical appliances better. Customers will be able to access PassivEnergy using smart phones, laptops and other internet-enabled devices. PassivEnergy launches in the UK in April 2010.

… stay tuned…

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